Netflix has launched a full trailer for its upcoming animated adaptation of Tekken, Bandai Namco's famous fighting game franchise, and with it comes the show's premiere date. Tekken: Bloodline is arriving on the streaming service on August 18th and will be available in several languages, including English and Japanese. The show focuses on Jin Kazama and takes place between the events of Tekken 2, which features his mother Jun Kazama as one of The King of Iron Fist Tournament competitors, and Tekken 3. Jin made his debut in the franchise's third entry released back in 1996 after losing his mother and his home to Ogre, one of the franchise's antagonists. In the series, Jin trained under his grandfather Heihachi Mishima, the tournament's founder, in his quest for revenge. You'll hear Heihachi tell Jin to shed the pacifist Kazama ways and to "stoke [his] Mishima fire." Yes, Heihachi sounds positively villainous, because he's the franchise's main ...