Impact of Visuals: Incorporate Visual Storytelling in Business Presentations
In recent years, with digital advancement, visual storytelling is gaining popularity in the corporate and marketing world.
Our brains are wired to understand stories better. Complex information delivered through visual storytelling establishes an emotional connection, adds engagement, and makes it memorable for a longer time.
Whether you are presenting a business plan, giving a new product demo, or creating a sales pitch, opting for visual storytelling can level up your game.
Effective storytelling is key to winning the hearts and minds of the audience. If done well, it can leave a major impact on your entire career. Strong stories must be audience-specific, action-oriented, clearly contextualized, authentic, and simple.
However, storytelling is not everyone’s cup of tea. A presenter may need to overcome several pitfalls and challenges while using storytelling in a presentation. With the right guidance and practice, you can master this skill.
In this article, we have provided a few tips that will help you leverage the art of visual storytelling to the fullest. Let’s start!
5 Ways to Implement Visual Storytelling in Business Presentations
- Introduce Yourself in a Captivating Way
Introducing yourself in front of a group of people you have never met before gives butterflies in your stomach. Commencing with your name and brief info about work can prove to be an icebreaker.
From a conference meeting to a product demo, an impressive self-introduction sets the tone for the rest of the presentation.
Here are a few tips to introduce yourself in an outstanding manner.
- A punchy elevator pitch to share your unique strengths and abilities.
- Share a less-known fact about yourself.
- You can also begin with a personal story that builds an emotional connection with the audience.
- Tell a personal tagline that is customer-oriented.
- Visualize the Origin and Journey of Your Organization
People are always keen to hear the origin stories of brands.
Before you share your business offerings and statistics, it is important to give a glimpse of your journey to the audience. What events in your life led you to start your organization? What was your first breakthrough? Why did you think of choosing this specific product/service?
You also need to share your low points, as everybody has them at some point in their life. But not with mere words. Sharing a brand story with visuals is a marketing strategy that ignites interest, establishes connections, and evokes emotions. The most important part is – the visual must be consistent with your brand.
Here is an amazing visual storytelling example of Honda’s history-
- Show Your Business Statistics with an Engaging Narrative
By presenting the statistics of your business to the audience, you can build trust among them.
Instead of presenting a spreadsheet of data with your team, consider using charts, graphs, and infographics to showcase insights. Weaving a compelling story using visuals can communicate analytical facts in an easy-to-understand format.
Let’s take an example:
For instance, you’re a sales representative working for XYZ Company. You have to share with the management the last 6 months’ sales figures, which show a gradual decline in sales. But how would you do that?
Include the following narrative elements in storytelling: Characters, Setting, Conflict, and Resolution.
Characters: You will start the plot with characters. Those influenced/affected by the story, i.e., clients, customers, teammates, and a presenter, all come under this section.
Setting: Explain and showcase the decline in sales using data visualization. Highlight the zones with major sluggish sales.
Conflict: The conflict part covers the root issue. There can be many reasons for a drop in sales. It can be some global issue like Covid-19 or one or two things that need to be fixed internally.
You just need to present it with a clear, open-minded approach that you can fix by working all together on it.
Resolution: The last element includes the steps and measures to be taken to resolve the issue. You can use visuals to present how implementing sustainable manufacturing practices and marketing strategies can grow your market segment. Visualize what marketing campaigns you can run to drive traffic and how much investment will be required for the same.
The above-mentioned elements can effectively structure your narrative and enable you to share your statistics that inspire action from your audience.
- Weave a Great Story Around Brand Persona
The power of sharing brand stories has been realized long, long ago in the marketing world. We have all seen how Apple, Disney, Coca-Cola, and many iconic brands have experienced massive success and popularity by using stories.
Have you wondered why you choose a particular brand when it comes to clothing, hair coloring, footwear, etc? The answer is so simple – because you trust in it!
This is what stories do. They build a strong feeling of trust and authenticity among people.
If you’re looking forward to creating an authentic brand story, follow a three-part model to structure it. It starts with a beginning that explains the problem part. Then, further proceeds with a middle section that describes how you will solve the problem. And the story is concluded with an ending that shares the success it produced.
- Conclude Your Presentation in a Memorable Manner
Opening and closing of a presentation hold equal importance. The best way to wrap up your presentation is by summarizing the main points from the presentation.
For example, you can simply say-
“Before I leave my audience, I want to sum up the main points from the presentation…”
You can use an infographic to leave an impactful impression.
Here are the quick tips to follow while sharing your final thoughts:
- Include a strong call-to-action
- Avoid concluding with case studies
- Always thank and acknowledge
- Use a powerful quote
Wrap Up
Visual storytelling opens up a whole new world of possibilities where you can share your message, which imprints an indelible mark on your audience. Enticing storytelling with eye-catching visuals has the power to take your business to new heights.
If your business has not started with visual storytelling, it’s high time to incorporate this marketing tactic to create brand awareness and recognition.