Border Resolution

For #geographically #misinformed, fucking idiots.

#northamerica #continent occupies 3 #countries, from #north to #south, #canada, #unitedstates, and #mexico. #christophercolumbus did not discover #america, but the #northamerican continent, he was not able to reach #us during his #lifetime due to #continental #landscape (think #oregontrail).

#bordersecurity #borderpatrol #bordercrisis #borderinvasion

In any way, here is the deal: 

The grass is not greener on the other side, it is greener where one waters it.

@VitalyVTennant #x #account is not #antilgbt #political but simply informative. It's all #business and #entrepreneurship, although past few weeks #societal #issues have to be put forth due to actual #harm. 

#business #space is needed to #work, and #blatant #stupidity is #obvious #everywhere. And #actions are being taken, thankfully for #intelligent #people.

All the people #crossing the #border are just doing it #illegally. That is not okay. When @realDonaldTrump put 500 miles of #wall and additional 200 miles were stopped just weeks away, putting a #greatwallofchina is not the solution. Regardless if it's your main goal of presidency.

Out of 197 countries, Mexico is in the top 10 most corrupt countries in the #world.

@DonaldJTrumpJr is a #dumbass #instagram, similarly @JoeBiden's son #hunterbiden is #retarded.

Vitaly Tennant lived in Mexico for 9 months, and relaying that when a #mexican #family sends one of their children to the United States to do legal work, including #landscaping, this working individual (times millions of individuals) is then #sending #earned #income back to mexico from united states, is #economically unjust due to #wherewithal not being spent in the US. #crypto fixes this.

Mexico is a #beautiful country, it is layed back and people are nice, however, lazy as fuck (in mexico, not in united states), just like #cubans, and it's okay to #chill, however sending your children to work in united states and then having them send money back to you in mexico is a horrible mentality, while you sit and do nothing (e.g. #homeless work in #india where parents send children to #beg and bring money back).

While in mexico, Vitaly Tennant saw #cancun one of the #most #traveled #destinations on #earth turn to a #ghosttown due to 88% to 93% #lgbt presence, think #lgbtdistricts unfortunately called #rainbowdistrics in united states. People, #locals, and #tourists literally went to #puertomorelos due to lgbt, keyword, literally, as in for real. And this is seen in #vancouver Canada, and on, this is easily #distinctable due to smaller #population (#canadian population 40 #million) on a #largest #landmass spanning around 6,000 miles.

The mexican border is a horrible place, those going in, and out, there are about 40 people that die every day due to piece of shit #cartels, and Vitaly Tennant has stories of people receiving mexican #police #escorts coming into mexico where #cartel is trying to run them over. Furthermore, while in mexico, an #unfortunate discovery took place, a massive sized buried hole with #human #remains of about 160 #bodies (without #heads) and just a few hundred feet another buried hole with about 170 human heads in year 2013. These are #travelers #tourists people who did not meet #ransoms, and those who refused to work the #fields, as stated by the mexican police. This is diminishing, and things like this occur unfortunately in 3rd world countries, and their borders.

With #billions of people traveling, mexico remains one of the top travel destinations in the world. And it should, this has nothing to do with mexico, but all countries from #mafia, #gangsters, #isis, since this has to do with #education. All these things are being dealt with around the #globe due to #impacable #intelligence and #law #enforcement.

All the people need to #understand that #contentment is the only way to #success.

All the people #crossing the border just to cross the border because it is #trending, you are dumb as fuck.

All the countries need to educate their people.

If you woke up today, and your #phone #apps are up to #date, life is #good.

The grass is not greener on the other side, it is greener where you water it.

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