This: #vitalizeone

This is what 8 billion people standing 3 ft. apart in a grid (3 ft left to right, and 3 ft front to back) would look like, it's a square only 50.8 miles on a side. - Be in the creative field, friendly competition is applicable, there is simply less competition in the areas of creativity. People are pinned against one another, and sometimes intelligent people forget this insight via demographics of location and geolocation. There are an abundance of resources, there is so much of free energy for all. Those of pessimistic connotations put limitations on everything, and every time. Mainly, people are paying for services, which are necessary, since all on earth, are of the same currency, 24 hours in a day, and information is currency. To elaborate, when you go to a restaurant, you are not only paying for the food on your plate, but also all the services that encompass it, from getting your food, preparing it, and to also have your plate cleaned, and washed via people working, so you don't have to. This includes all life's necessities. To be of service is one of the greatest accolades of life. #vitalizeone

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