Border Resolution
For #geographically #misinformed, fucking idiots. #northamerica #continent occupies 3 #countries, from #north to #south, #canada, #unitedstates, and #mexico. #christophercolumbus did not discover #america, but the #northamerican continent, he was not able to reach #us during his #lifetime due to #continental #landscape (think #oregontrail). #bordersecurity #borderpatrol #bordercrisis #borderinvasion In any way, here is the deal: The grass is not greener on the other side, it is greener where one waters it. @VitalyVTennant #x #account is not #antilgbt #political but simply informative. It's all #business and #entrepreneurship, although past few weeks #societal #issues have to be put forth due to actual #harm. #business #space is needed to #work, and #blatant #stupidity is #obvious #everywhere. And #actions are being taken, thankfully for #intelligent #people. All the people #crossing the #border are just doing it #illegally. That is not okay. When @realDonaldTrump put 500 mil...